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Series of Academic Activities of School and Institute of Mathematics in 2020(the 213th):

Posted: 2020-09-13   Views: 

Series of Academic Activities of School and Institute of Mathematics in 2020the 213th):

Lecturer Chen Yanli Northeastern University

Report title: A fast Algorithm for the Electromagnetic Scattering from a Large Rectangular Cavity in Three Dimensions

Reporter: Lecturer Chen Yanli Northeastern University

Reporting time: 10:45-11:20 am, September 10, 2020

Report location: Tencent Conference ID: 233 270 107

Conference password: 0910

School contact: Lu Junliang lvjl@jlu.edu.cn

Report summary:

This talk is concerned with the three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering from a large open rectangular cavity that is embedded in a perfectly electrically conducting infinite ground plane. By introducing a transparent boundary condition, the scattering problem is formulated into a boundary value problem in the bounded cavity. Based on the Fourier expansions of the electric field, the Maxwell equation is reduced to one-dimensional ordinary differential equations for the Fourier coefficients. A fast algorithm, employing the fast Fourier transform and the Gaussian elimination, is developed to solve the resulting linear system for the cavity which is filled with either a homogeneous or a layered medium. In addition, a novel scheme is designed to evaluate rapidly and accurately the Fourier transform of singular integrals. Numerical experiments are presented for large cavities to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method.


Brief introduction of the speaker:

     Chen Yanli, lecturer of Northeastern University, visited Purdue University in the U.S. for one year from August 2019 to August 2020. The main research content includes related research on finite volume method and scattering problems.
