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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium(2022-038)-Local derivations and automorphisms on solvable Lie algebras of maximal rank

Posted: 2023-03-13   Views: 

报告题目:Local derivations and automorphisms on solvable Lie algebras of maximal rank

报 告 人:Bakhrom Omirov

所在单位:National University of Uzbekistan

报告时间:2022年11月18日  10:30-12:30

报告地点:ZOOM ID:862 062 0549,Code:2022


报告摘要:The present talk is devoted to the description of local derivations and automorphisms on solvable Lie algebras of maximal rank. First, we present the general form of an automorphism on solvable Lie algebra of maximal rank. Namely, any automorphism can be represented as a composition of inner, diagonal and graph automorphisms. We show that all local derivations and all local automorphisms of solvable Lie algebra of maximal rank are global, while there are examples of solvable Lie algebras of non-maximum rank with different behavior of local derivations and local automorphisms. We also apply the main results to the descriptions of local derivations and local automorphisms on standard Borel subalgebras of complex simple Lie algebras.

报告人简介:Bakhrom Omirov is a professor at the National University of Uzbekistan. His research focused on non-associative algebras and superalgebras. In particular, he is one of the authors of the monograph devoted to the structure theory of Leibniz algebras. Bakhrom Omirov is a member of The World Academy of Sciences, which includes 66 countries), as well as Uzbek and American Societies.

He is a winner of several prestigious fellowships (Fulbright, USA; INTAS, Belgium).
