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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium(2024-002)—Finite generations of Yoneda algebras for complete intersections

Posted: 2024-01-23   Views: 

Title:Finite generations of Yoneda algebras for complete intersections

Reporter:Zongzhu Lin

Work Unit:Kansas State University

Time:Jan.25 9:00-11:00

Address:ZOOM Id:904 645 6677,Password:2023

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9046456677?pwd=UHErd3RJVzFsNzNnczFZYm9uYlV6QT09

Summary of the report:


Introduction of the Reporter:

Lin Zongzhu is a tenured professor and doctoral supervisor at Kansas State University in the United States. He has served as director of the Three Gorges Mathematics Research Center, NSF project director and editorial board member of Science in China: Mathematics. He is mainly engaged in the research of representation theory, algebraic groups and quantum groups, and his papers are published in important academic journals such as Invent. Math., Adv. Math., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., CMP and J. Algebra.


